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Time To Repair Potholes In Colorado Springs

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Summer brings a lot of work to private paving contractors in Colorado Springs area. There are a lot of potholes to be filled in parking lots and on access streets and roads – probably enough to keep the contractors busy even through fall.


Summer warm and dry weather is perfect for pothole repair and paving work. There are plenty of problematic areas in Colorado Springs that need attention. For instance, one of such areas is around the Sonic restaurant on 8th Street with a big pothole in the parking lot and others that reappeared on the road to the shopping center.  There were a lot of complaints from drivers two years ago and the property owner hired contactors to fix the problem.


The south side of Colorado Springs is one of the most troublesome and there are many potholes residents can’t wait to get fixed. Some suggest taking pictures of potholes and sending the photos to the property owners so the problem could finally be taken care of.


If you are looking to hire someone to repair potholes on your property, make sure to choose a reliable contractor. Avoid those from out of state using toll-free phone numbers and offering discounts.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Cathleen Berry

    there are many pothholes in Colorado springs and the government are not willing to repair but we hope that a well equipped and professional contractor can help us get it fixed. we are hoping to see one. #anticipating

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