Denver, CO – Snowstorms are bringing unexpected early snowfall for the year in the city. With the season starting so early – will ski lifts open for longer?
Early snowfall is keeping Denverites on their toes. While the city and state overall usually boast an earlier season than the rest of the country (due to its elevation) many August snowfalls aren’t uncommon.
For starters, the elevation of the city puts their mountains at 11,000 feet and higher. This leads to typical dusting or relatively short snowfall for the month.
The next is the high level of accumulated moisture. With hurricanes getting ready to hit the US coastline through the next few months, a larger amount of water is currently accumulating even in CO.
While the amount won’t necessarily stick to the roads, many are hoping that this year will bring the perfect conditions for skiing and snowboarding.
“Honestly this seems like a great start to shred some fresh pow-pow,” says local ski bum Jordan Mcneary.” When we get hit this early, you know the rest of the year is going to be a real slammer.”
While the winter sports enthusiasts are preparing for what might be a big winter, other locals will be battening down the hatches.
Large Snowstorms Are Typical For Colorado
Colorado has some of the most intense winters in the country. WIth the local areas having some of the heaviest snowstorms in the country. Some of the largest snowfall measurements on record, the citizens know how to prep.
“I can’t believe its August and we’re now thinking of snow,” says local Jim Meadows.”Looks like we’ll be prepping a little sooner than normal.”
Each year the state faces large-scale power outages, freezing pipes, and many other issues that affect the daily lives of people due to intense snowstorms.
Some may not see either good or bad, and they just have to live with it. Sam Willis, 79 has lived in the area for his entire life. He has a thing or two to say about the snow.
You know what I say? I say, if you hate the snow, you’re going to have more problems – but the same amount of snow.”