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Prepping for Auto Shipping 101

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Ideally, you should ship your car with around 1/4 tank of gas.
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So, you have an auto transportation service booked, now what? Well, you may not know but there are actually several really helpful and even necessary things that can be done before your vehicle shipping is set to begin. We suggest doing as many of these before your shipping pick-up date as possible!

First, we suggest giving your car a good wash.

You may think because your car is about to be shipped, there is no reason to wash your car. However, it is actually a very helpful step to take! Washing your car allows you to see the condition of your car clearly, allowing you to identify any possible dents, scrapes, and scuffs. This is important information to identify as it will allow you to know what, if any, damage occurs to your vehicle during shipping!

Second, record any damage you may see on your car after washing.

Now that you have washed your car and seen any damage it has, be sure to take note of anything you see. We suggest writing down anything that you notice as well as taking pictures of it. This will help you keep a reliable log. You can also go through these things with your driver when they pick up the vehicle so that they are aware as well.

Third, remove loose items from inside the vehicle.

When your vehicle is in transit, things are likely to rattle around a bit more than if you were to simply drive your car. For this reason, it is quite important that your car does not have any loose goods that could move around and cause damage to the interior of your vehicle. If there are things you would like to keep in your vehicle while shipping it, be sure it is secured to limit risk.

Lastly, make sure the gas tank is at a lower level.

When shipping your vehicle, you actually want a reasonably low gas tank. The sweet spot is around ¼ tank. This is because a full tank runs higher risk of issues such as a leak and also weighs down the vehicle more. ¼ tank is the perfect amount as it reduces the weight while still having enough gas in case of emergency.

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