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Voter-approved 2C improves roads in Colorado Springs

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COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado – As the summer ramps up, so are the Colorado Spring city crews with road repaving and the improvement of sidewalks and crosswalks as part of 2C. The program supervisor, Cole Platt, exclaims, “2C allowed us to do fantastic things. We didn’t have the budget to do years ago.” Platt also mentioned that city crews can examine each street corner individually. And make drastic changes to create a safer community.

The city redid more than 1,300 pedestrian ramps, as a part of 2C last year. Platt said a good example of improvement can be seen at the corner of Wahsatch and St. Elmo avenues. He claims, “We’ve had a corner where kids were standing. Cars were cutting the corner making kids dodge the cars passing by.”

Before city crews began working on Wahsatch Avenue, part of the 2C paving list. They redid every street corner near the school. “We wanted to create a safe haven next to that curb so kids won’t be standing in traffic,” explains Platt.

In regards to focusing on schools, he plans to coordinate with fire stations, hospitals, and large businesses. “We take a look at each intersection individually and we try to make it safer and better,” Platt says.

2C is scheduled to end in May 2020, although Mayor John Suthers announced his plans to speak with the city council about extending the project.

“I hope it passes again, because it has made a huge difference in this community with our infrastructure, there has been an impact of 2C improvement on our sidewalks, crosswalks, and community.” Platt says.

What do you think about the improvements in your community? Let us know!

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